To jonaheline =)<3

Jonaheline   om The dream del 8 Sorryy men nu kommer den!:
This is a truly fantastic site, which I stumbled upon through google, I must say it has been a pleasure viewing this site and I am very happy that I found it, excellent content, keep up the good work and good luck.

OH God :D Thank you :)<3

i really appricate it :D I am so happy that i have comments like your =)

I maybe write more today but i am in school now :D

and thanks and you too :) Take Care

Hugs and Kisses //Maddiiiisss

i promise i will try to write

it is not so easy. On Sunday, it was three years ago my best friend's brother died when their house burned down on Sunday was May 29, 2008, he died

right now i am so Busy whit my school and it is summer vacation like 2 weeks and it is so much to do

i promise you guys i will write soon !!


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